Influence diagrams

Influence diagramsInfluence diagrams are graphical aids to decision making under uncertainty. An influence diagram represents a project or situation within the project as a set of entities, outcomes, and influences, together with the relationships and effects between...

Decision tree analysis

Decision tree analysisDecision tree analysis is a diagramming and calculation technique for evaluating the implications of a chain of multiple options in the presence of...

Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysisSensitivity analysis is an analysis technique used to determine which individual project risks or other sources of uncertainty have the most potential impact on project outcomes, by correlating variations in project outcomes with variations in...

Representations of uncertainty

Representations of uncertaintyQuantitative risk analysis requires inputs to a quantitative risk analysis model that reflect individual project risks and other sources of...

Cost forecasts

Cost forecastsCost forecasts are either a calculated EAC value or a bottom-up EAC value is documented and communicated to...
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